A Message from Dr. Chinelo Evans to the Regal Eagles

  • Greetings Regal Eagles!

    It is difficult to believe that only two years ago, a group of inspired educators sat around a table to envision the ideal school. Since that time, our team has continued to work toward that vision by pooling our time, energy, effort, and resources with District, Tougaloo College, and community partners to help cultivate a new type of graduate. The 小黄书-Tougaloo ECHS students that we strive to develop are:

    Self and Socially Aware 
    Service Oriented 

    Therefore, I value the role I get to play in helping to nurture, guide, and hold accountable our students as you are stretched to grow into the best versions of yourselves. We too will be held accountable to continue to stretch and grow into the professional educators who become greater versions of ourselves as well.  

    One of the innovations we have implemented that makes our school special is “Principal-Student Time” or PST.  During PST, you (students) and I will explore our mindsets, learn the importance of supporting our ECHS family members, conquer our fears, and be guided to use our collective voice, personal passions, and our unique abilities to make the world recognize just why we showed up! 

    Below, you will find buttons to guide you to our activities. You may also send a message directly to me.  I love you all, and I am here to help. Please know that this year can be bigger, greater, more powerful, and more fabulous because we have given ourselves permission to make it so! 

    Now, let’s pursue our mission of promoting Excellence, Community, Honor, and Scholar as we realize our vision of becoming a top-ranked, model school of innovation! 

    Thankful to Serve,

    Dr. Chinelo Bosah Evans

    Principal and Head Learner