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    The waiting list for the Virtual Academy is now available: 



    Virtual Learning involves teacher-directed/synchronous and independent learning/asynchronous instruction. 

    Content Delivery will be done through virtual learning, which can include any of the following:

    • Face-to-face instruction through video conferencing application (whole group, small group, 1:1)

    • Group activities through a video conferencing application, Canvas, Google Classroom, and email

    • Flipped lessons/labs using video lessons and screencasts

    • Short formative assignments through learning management system platforms (Canvas, Google Classroom), Edgenuity, Progress Learning, ELS, and email

    • Discussion boards or threads through Canvas, Google Classroom, and email

    • Virtual labs, scenarios, demonstrations

    • Hands-on activities that can be completed at home

    • Independent reading, writing, research, exercises, and projects