Logistics/Supply Guidance

  • Program

    School administrators & Senior Army Instructor will designate and appoint a school level Military Property Custodian to requisition, store, issue and account for all government property furnished to the institution for JROTC activities. The High School Principal is a responsible officer who will designate primary hand receipt holder (MPC) who will be responsible and accountable for the unit’s property. Supply and accounting policies and procedures are based on simplified property book accounting. Supply transactions occur between the school and the assigned support installation. DAI MPS and Brigade will assist and coordinate as needed.

    The duties of the MPC are listed but not limited to the description below. MPS will:

        a. Provide the DAI office a copy of the MPC appointment memorandum or letter.

        b. Maintain a Primary Hand Receipt and update hand receipts annually.

        c. Requisition, receive, store, issue, inventory, and account for supplies requisitioned, IAW AR 710-2 and CCR 700-1. 

        d. Utilizes sub-hand receipt procedures to assign property responsibility to unit Cadre and Cadets.

        e. Conduct a monthly inventory and a 100% annual physical inventory of all government property. Provide results to the DAI MPSin a timely manner.

             1. Ensure sensitive items are inventoried monthly and the report is submitted, IAW local procedures.

             2. Maintain current record of all serial numbered items.  

             3. Ensure all requests, turn-ins, and hand receipt transactions are prepared in accordance with guidance. Comply with AR 710-2, paragraphs 2-13 and 2-28c; and DA Pamphlet 710-2-1, Chapter 3, AR 735-5 Chapter 13, for lost, stolen, or damaged equipment. This may require DD Form 200, Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss, or DD Form 362, Statement of Charges/Cash Collection.

         f.  Secure and maintain appropriate furniture, and equipment to execute the mission IAW CTA.

         g. Arrange for pick-up and delivery of laundry, dry cleaning, and alterations from the Army JROTC unit.

         h.  Perform related duties as assigned to accomplish the mission.

         i.   Adhere to all school district and Army standards.

  • Laundry and Uniform

    Laundry Worksheet (XLS)

    An excerpt from our Supply SOP dtd 17 July 2014  with update 6 April 2017 are provided below as a reminder for how we perform uniform recovery, cleaning and storage. Information that is bold typed is new or changed information.    

    RECOVER:  IAW Cadet Command Regulation instructors must make every effort to recover all uniforms that were issued.  Instructors are responsible for implementation of the actions below: 
    1.  SAIs/AIs should collect cadet uniforms no later than 15 May  to allow time to:
      1. Account for all uniforms.
      2. Sort uniforms for serviceability.
      3. Tag individual uniforms with numbered laundry labels.
      4. For LET I- III Cadets, place all uniform accouterments, and shoes in separate containers identifying the cadet to whom they were issued.
    2. SAIs/AIs will ensure all recoverable unserviceable uniform items, i.e. coats, shirts, pants, all-weather coats and utility coats are processed with the MPS no later than 15 June, utilizing JUMS unserviceable report. Move unserviceable items from the shelf or hand receipts to unserviceable. Unserviceable items will be turned in to the MPS for disposition. Do not destroy unserviceable uniforms. SAIs/AIs are responsible for disposing of non-recoverable/ unserviceable items, i.e. shoes, caps, neck tabs, neckties, belts and buckles at the school and providing a list of these items and their quantities to the MPS no later than 15 June.  Utilize JUMS to document unserviceable items.  If JUMS is not an option, any format will be received.
    3. Army Combat Uniform Recovery – All items issued will be recovered on the same day that the event is completed.

    ATU OUTINGS: ATU coach or the designated temporary hand receipt holder will turn in all items to the MPS on the Monday after an outing.  Exceptions to Monday turn in will be considered on a case by case basis.

    CAMPS:  All items will be turned in by the school, to the MPS, prior to departure on the day of return.  All like items should be consolidated to expedite turn in. 

    CLEANING & STORAGE: The contracted vendor will pick up uniforms for cleaning from each school in accordance with an established schedule and procedures to be determined. The contracted vendor will return uniforms to respective schools upon completion of cleaning. SAIs/AIs are responsible for:
    1. Gathering and tagging all uniform items for cleaning prior to scheduled pick-up date.  The intent is for the vendor to pick up all items requiring cleaning at one time, i.e. all coats, shirts, slacks/trousers, garrison caps, ties, tabs, berets, scarves, all-weather coats with liners and belts, utility jackets with liners.
    2. Accounting for the number of uniform items that the vendor picks up. 
    3. Accounting for and signing the invoice when the vendor returns them. 
    4. Validating that the services were rendered with the MPS via email upon request.
    5. Identifying any unsatisfactory work and reporting it to the MPS.
    6. Storage and accountability of uniforms during the summer when schools are closed.
  • Contact Information

    SFC (Retired) Roderick Moore - Property Book Specialist  (MPS)

  • Report Suspense Type and Date

    Security - First Tuesday of each month from September thru May

    Logistics - Second Tuesday of the month from September through May

    Automation - First Tuesday of each month from September through May

    Note: Email all reports to DAI office attention MPS (romoore@jackson.k12.ms.us) by close of business on the dates specified

Forms & Documents

Last Modified on Tuesday at 4:26 PM